By default, all artists that you have permission to view will be able to be included in a Workspace for your organization. As a user, you can create a custom Workspace just for you.
Any workspace that a user creates is viewable to that user only. It is not shared across other users in the organization.
To Create an Additional Workspace:
Click on the Workspace switcher (the Name of the Workspace you are in if this is not the first additional Workspace you are creating and then Configure Workspaces)
Click + Add Workspace
Edit the Name of your Workspace
Choose the Artist(s) you would like to include in this Workspace
Workspace automatically saves your selections
You may now select your new Workspace from the drop down menu in the upper right hand corner
To Edit an Existing Workspace
Click on the Workspace you wish to edit from the drop down menu (You may only edit additional Workspaces, not the default Workspace)
Edit the Name and/or add or remove artists from the Workspace
Workspace automatically saves your adjustments
You may now select your new Workspace from the drop down menu in the upper right hand corner
To Delete a Workspace
Be certain you wish to delete this Workspace before you complete the following steps. There is no warning and once you hit delete, the Workspace is deleted.
Click on the Workspace you wish to delete from the drop down menu (You may only delete additional Workspaces, not the default Workspace)
Click the Delete button