Artist Growth is most powerful when you are using it manage your team collaboration on all the artists you work with. Multiple user subscriptions are available on our Rise, Scale and Enterprise tiers.
An Artist can been added or removed by Owner roles only. Adding or removing and artist will affect your overall subscription fees on Rise and Scale tiers. Enterprise subscribers should reference their agreement for pricing terms. Please reach out directly with any questions.
To Add An Artist To Your Workspace:
Navigate to the Context Switcher in the top left corner of your screen located beneath your Organization Name and click
Click + Add artist
Enter in your artist details when a pop up modal prompts you to
Click Save
To Remove An Artist To Your Workspace:
Removing an artist will permanently delete any artist data associated with it in Artist Growth. Please be sure to export any data prior to deleting an Artist.
Navigate to the Context Switcher in the top left corner of your screen located beneath your Organization Name and click to open
Choose the Artist name you would like to remove from your roster
Then click "Artist Settings" from the left navigation menu
Click "Delete Artist" Button
Enter in the Artist Name exactly as it is typed on the platform
Click the Delete Artist button -- this is a permanent action and is irreversible. You will then be redirected to your Roster Calendar.