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Events in Artist Growth

Workspace allows collaborators to create and manage calendar events with all relevant details in one place.

Matt Roley avatar
Written by Matt Roley
Updated over a week ago

Events are calendar entries for an Artist. Artist Growth allows you to categorize Events from a number of event types and each event type will guide you to enter in relevant fields. For details on the categories and event-specific fields, click the drop down menu below.

Event Categories and Fields

*Required Field


  • Tentative or Confirmed*

  • Event Name*

  • Location Venue or Online*

    • Venue

      • Location (Searches for Location)

      • Custom Location

      • Custom Location Name* (Required only when Custom Location is selected)

    • Online

      • URL Name

      • URL*

      • Time Zone*

  • All Day Y/N*

    • All Day

      • Start Date*

      • End Date*

      • Repeats*

        • Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

    • Not All Day

      • Start Date/Time* (Time Zone Automatically Set to Time Zone of Venue)

      • End Date/Time* (Time Zone Automatically Set to Time Zone of Venue)

  • Capacity

  • Guarantee

  • Merch Cut

  • Guest Tickets

  • Tags

  • Event Notes


  • Tentative or Confirmed*

  • Event Name*

  • Location Venue or Online*

    • Venue

      • Location (Searches for Location)

      • Custom Location

      • Custom Location Name* (Required only when Custom Location is selected)

    • Online

      • URL Name

      • URL*

      • Time Zone*

  • All Day Y/N*

    • All Day

      • Start Date*

      • End Date*

      • Repeats*

        • Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

    • Not All Day

      • Start Date/Time* (Time Zone Automatically Set to Time Zone of Venue)

      • End Date/Time* (Time Zone Automatically Set to Time Zone of Venue)

  • Tags

  • Event Notes

Special Event

  • Tentative or Confirmed*

  • Event Name*

  • Location Venue or Online*

    • Venue

      • Location (Searches for Location)

      • Custom Location

      • Custom Location Name* (Required only when Custom Location is selected)

    • Online

      • URL Name

      • URL*

      • Time Zone*

  • All Day Y/N*

    • All Day

      • Start Date*

      • End Date*

      • Repeats*

        • Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

    • Not All Day

      • Start Date/Time* (Time Zone Automatically Set to Time Zone of Venue)

      • End Date/Time* (Time Zone Automatically Set to Time Zone of Venue)

  • Capacity

  • Tags

  • Event Notes

Marketing, Rehearsal, Travel, Misc, Hold, Digital, Creative, Session, Publicity, Release, Content, Commercial, and Brand

  • Tentative or Confirmed*

  • Event Name*

  • Location Venue or Online*

    • Venue

      • Location (Searches for Location)

      • Custom Location

      • Custom Location Name* (Required only when Custom Location is selected)

    • Online

      • URL Name

      • URL*

      • Time Zone*

  • All Day Y/N*

    • All Day

      • Start Date*

      • End Date*

      • Repeats*

        • Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

    • Not All Day

      • Start Date/Time* (Time Zone Automatically Set to Time Zone of Venue)

      • End Date/Time* (Time Zone Automatically Set to Time Zone of Venue)

  • Tags

  • Event Notes

To Create an Event From Any Calendar View:

  • Click the orange + icon towards the upper right-hand corner

    • If you are creating the event from the Roster calendar, you will need to choose the relevant artist

    • If you are creating the event from an Artist calendar, it will default to that artist

  • Choose Event Type (Default will be Performance)

  • Choose Event Status (Default will be Tentative)

  • Choose Date and Time (Default will be All Day for the current day)

    • You can create a spanned event by keeping All Day Selected and choosing a date range

    • You can create a spanned event with start and end times by deselecting All Day and setting start and end dates/times

    • You can create a specific date/time event by deselecting All Day and choosing start date and time

  • Choose Repeat Frequency (Default is Never)

  • Enter in all other relevant details

  • Click Save

To Manage/Edit Details of an Event From Any Calendar View:

  • Click on the Event you would like to manage/edit

  • Click the three-dot icon

  • Click Edit from drop down

  • Edit necessary details

  • Click Save

Here's a quick, high level view of how to create an Event and Schedule items:

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